November 6, 2023

5 min

The 5 Most Common Mistakes of Tooling Managers in the Manufacturing Sector

In the competitive world of manufacturing, tooling managers play a crucial role in making sure machines and tools are operational and efficient to ensure high-quality production. However, even the most experienced professionals can make mistakes. In this article, we will examine the five most common mistakes that tooling managers in manufacturing can make and provide tips on how to avoid them to improve operational efficiency and overall productivity.

1. Lack of Strategic Planning

One of the main mistakes tooling managers can make is a lack of sound strategic planning, as they often focus only on day-to-day equipment management without having a long-term vision. The solution is to develop and implement a strategic plan that defines maintenance goals, resource allocation, and strategies for dealing with contingencies.

2. Underestimation of Preventive Maintenance.

Preventive maintenance is essential to avoid costly breakdowns and unplanned downtime, and some tooling managers tend to underestimate the importance of this critical aspect. Investing in well-structured preventive maintenance programs can prevent future problems, improve equipment life, and ensure continuous production.

3. Lack of focus on Technological Innovation.

The manufacturing sector is embracing automation and advanced technology at an accelerated pace: however, some tooling managers may make the mistake of not keeping up to date on the subject. Embracing technology solutions such as the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, and advanced monitoring systems can improve the accuracy of operations and enable smarter maintenance.

4. Lack of Monitoring and Performance Evaluation.

A common mistake is the lack of performance monitoring and evaluation. Tooling managers should implement key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure efficiency, equipment availability, and quality of work. This data can be used to make ongoing improvements and make informed decisions.

5. Neglect of Inventory Management.

Incorrect inventory management can have a cascading effect on manufacturing operations. Tooling managers who do not maintain accurate inventory records can face production delays, overstocking or understocking of critical parts and materials. Implementing a robust inventory management system helps ensure that the right parts are available when needed, reducing downtime and avoiding costly rush orders.

A big help for tooling managers can be IoT devices for tracking industrial assets. These devices enable real-time monitoring of machines and tools, providing vital data for preventive maintenance and efficient tool management. Using IoT sensors and connections such as MATIX, a device for performance tracking and maintenance on molds also outsourced from a spin-off of AzzurroDigitale, tooling managers can gather information about the status of equipment, schedule maintenance when needed, and prevent costly downtime and breakdowns.

These types of solutions will improve operational efficiency, reduce costs

and ensure high-quality production, contributing to the company's growth in the

long term.

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